Category: in the news
Toronto Star “Don’t muzzle our doctors”
Toronto Star “Don’t muzzle our doctors” Tuesday, November 29, 2011 The Toronto Star recently published an article which reflected negatively on alternatives to conventional medicine. As homeopathy was included in the article I wrote to the Editor. Below is the Star’s article and my published response. Don’t muzzle our doctors published on November 20th, 2011…
Health Canada pulls distribution of Novartis flu vaccines
Health Canada pulls distribution of Novartis flu vaccines Sunday, 28 October, 2012 There were “tiny clumps of virus particles” found in some batches of the Novartis flu vaccine and apparently an expert in infectious disease says that if you have received the vaccine, not to worry. The vaccine might not work as well. Ok, so…
Homeopathy used to treat birds in Toronto
Birds rescued after flying into the cities buildings by volunteers are being treated with homeopathic remedies. I’m not sure whether the news is that Michael Mesure and his group of volunteers are doing wonderful work or that they are using homeopathy to do it with. Bravo on both accounts! Picture: Michael Mesure, director of the…
Coconut Oil as a treatment for Alzheimer’s & Diabetes
Coconut Oil as a treatment for Alzheimer’s & Diabetes Monday, 5 March, 2012 Alzheimer’s appears to be a type of diabetes of the brain. Insulin problems prevent brain cells from accepting glucose for fuel and eventually the cells die. However, keytones are an alternative fuel which are metabolized in the liver. Coconut oil contains keytones.…
Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons publish new update on their policy statement on complimentary and alternative medicine
Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons publish new update on their policy statement on complimentary and alternative medicine Monday, 13 February, 2012 Trends show that increasing numbers of patients are looking to complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) for help with complex medical problems, wellness, or relief from acute symptoms. This last November The College has…
The Dr. Oz Show wants your stories
The Dr. Oz Show wants your stories Wednesday, April 13, 2011 The Dr. Oz Show on March 30, 2011 talked about homeopathy. This show was watched by more than 3,000,000 viewers, and the video has been seen by many more. Alternative Pain Treatments, Pt 1. The Dr. Oz Show is now asking people interested…
IIT-B Research team proves that homeopathy is nano-technology
IIT-B Research team proves that homeopathy is nano-technology Wednesday, February 2, 2011 I say that homeopathy is nano medicine. Here is an explanation of how it works: Source : The Times of India 16 dec 2010 Mumbai: Six months after the British Medical Association wrote off homoeopathy as “witchcraft’’ that had no scientific basis, we…
More Canadians opting for natural remedies instead of flu shot
More Canadians opting for natural remedies instead of flu shot Tuesday, February 1, 2011 by Marilyn Freedman We are finally catching up to the other side of the world where the most popular remedy sold is Occilo for the flu. I like “Flu Buster”, by Homeocan, for flu and cold. The most important thing is…
Allah, Homeopathy, and Christ.
Allah, Homeopathy, and Christ. Friday, January 14, 2011 by Marilyn Freedman A few weeks ago I saw this article on line and started to read it. My attention was diverted by this picture next to it which caught my eye. I was astonished by the ad on the bus. Here is how it goes, from…
Neighbours eye our water supply
Neighbours eye our water supply Sunday, November 28, 2010 by Marilyn Freedman We Canadians are very fortunate to have the largest fresh water resource in the world. A few years ago I attended a seminar at University of Guelph. At that time the experts told us that there was a severe global water shortage There…