Category: exercise
Let’s Fight S.A.D Together
Ler’s Fight S.A.D Together With winter here we feel slightly more depressed. The shorter and colder days, and the longer and darker nights affect in ways we can’t even begin to explain. We feel more tired, hungrier for unhealthy food and have less physical excitement. We want to hide in our covers and sleep the…
Homeopathic Back to School Basics
School is fast approaching and that means back to school shopping, school prep, and getting back on track. For the little ones who can’t keep still and are distracted and disruptive, and for the older kids who have anxiety from tests and dealing with a social life in and out of school. I have remedies to…
Homeopathic consultation with me includes nutrition and lifestyle.
I want to share this episode of “The Quest for Perfection” in the Myth of Science 2 series of The Nature of Things with you. In this episode Dr. Jennifer Gardy investigates lifestyle and nutritional ideas. The results of her findings are backed by science and have changed my views on certain things, which will impact…
A Walking Meditation
When the weather is nice enough I prefer to do my cardio outdoors. This gets me outside for some vitamin D, a bit of colour, and very much needed fresh air. My iPhone is my constant companion, although its role has changed this year. I used to listen to spiritual music, or homeopathic podcasts. Now…
Don’t Think Of It As Exercise
Don’t Think Of It As Exercise Thursday, July 5, 2007 by Marilyn Freedman Out on the town last night I met an old school friend who was my exercise buddy at a gym that I belonged to for a year. He was wondering what had happened to me. I told him that I had gone…
Wearing Homeopathy On Your Feet
Wearing Homeopathy On You Feet June 18, 2006 by Marilyn Freedman I just bought a pair of Nike “Free” athletic shoes for cross training for my son and myself. The premise of the shoe is that: it is like going barefoot and will build muscles and make the foot stronger. What my son said was,…