Author: Marilyn Freedman
New Study proves Homeopathic view: Genetic predisposition
An ancient virus that infected our ancestors millions of years ago may be contributing to cancer today, according to a new study in Science Advances. Your genes are like a complex puzzle, with pieces once thought useless now revealed to play a crucial role in gene regulation, especially in cancer cells. These ancient viral sequences…
Canada’s National Physician’s Day in tribute to a Homeopath, Dr. Emily Stowe.
“I have to point that out right away because it’s, well, glaringly missing.”
Get in shape for the Coronavirus
Are you afraid of the coronavirus? Let me simply, and in short time, help you sort through understanding, preventing, and treating yourself for the flu epidemic going around now, as well as the coronavirus. Coronavirus is a family of virus which includes the common cold, and viruses such as SARS and MERS. It is a…
Holiday Greetings
Warm greetings to patients, colleagues and friends. It is my privilege to wish you happy healthy holidays and a happy New Year 2020. May every one of your wishes comes true on a personal and a professional level. As of January 1st HST will be added to your invoices. There is proven success in using…
Homeopathy Inspires
This is a handmade bag that a patient made as a carrying satchel for her remedies. Yet another time I am charmed by the care that one of my patients puts towards their homeopathic journey for health. Homeopathy inspire us in ways you cannot imagine. Homeopathy inspires love and respect towards one’s journey to health.…
Art Making and Homeopathy
I am in the ceramic studio and look what I found: Magnesium Carb in a big tub. For clay decoration Mag carb is used for matte glazes and to produce an opaque, white glaze. It is also used as a glaze surface texture for dramatic visual effects. In homeopathy, people who need Mag carb will…
Extraordinary care begins here
Isn’t this lovely! She brings her remedies in a silk bag to the office as if they are treasures she is discount pharmacy keeping safe. That is the value she places towards her homeopathic treatments that I prescribe for her.
City Living with Nature
I want to share the great outdoor adventures you can have in our city and hope you, too, take advantage of treks in beautiful and natural surroundings. I went for my first walk of the season through Earl Bales Park yesterday. As much as possible it’s good to be outside in good Toronto weather. I try…
Homeopathy VS Pesticides
Animals love to play outside and run around with the children in parks, front lawns and backyards. The scary thing is what may be sprayed on the lawn, and your gardens, may not be so great for our pets, or even for ourselves yikes!! Pesticides that are commonly used for lawn care have been under…
Stressful Studies: Homeopathy and Exam/Test Stress
Tests and stress don’t just rhyme, they typically go together and that isn’t so fun for anyone….here are some tips and remedies to reduce study stress.