Marilyn Freedman, Registered Homeopath

Holistic & Natural Health Care | Homeopathy For Your Family and Pets | Nutritional Coaching & Weight Loss

Tag: homeopathy for anxiety and panic attacks

  • Homeopathic medical treatment for anxiety and depression.

    Homeopathic medical treatment for anxiety and depression.

    Did you know that patients with anxiety and depression disorders (ADD) who choose homeopathy are more likely to experience clinical improvement than patients managed with conventional medicine? This is because of a number of reasons: You have the time to talk about what bothers you. We explore what the cause was, or the first time…

  • Homeopathy for anxiety and panic attacks.

    Got anxiety?  Having panic attacks?  You are not alone.  Approximately 12% of Canadians suffer from anxiety in any year. (1) As a matter of fact, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in Canada. (2) These are the six main anxiety disorders diagnosed: social anxiety post-traumatic stress panic with or without agoraphobia obsessive-compulsive…