Marilyn Freedman, Registered Homeopath

Holistic & Natural Health Care | Homeopathy For Your Family and Pets | Nutritional Coaching & Weight Loss

Tag: healthy eating

  • New Years Resolutions With a Little Help From Homeopathy

    New Years Resolutions With a Little Help From Homeopathy

    The New Year is upon us and this is the time we make a bunch of promises to ourselves, to improve our grades, eat healthier, shrink our waistlines, and change the world with some grand gesture…At least 3 of these things are easily achievable. If you struggle with your latest promise to yourself homeopathy can…

  • Nuts and seeds in my pantry

    Nuts and seeds in my pantry

    Nuts and seeds in my pantry. November 9th 2013 One day my son said, “That’s pretty awesome.”  “Awesome?” “Yes, and unusual.” he said, “how many people do you think have a shelf devoted to nuts and seeds in their kitchen? No one I know.” I  thought about it for a moment to let ‘awesome’ and…